Thursday, October 8, 2009

My Tank is Full

I awoke yesturday morning to a beautiful blonde 8 year old smiling, fully dressed, leaning over me on my bed.

"We are going to the pumpkin patch" she whispers.

Looking towards the clock I see Starbucks on my nightstand.

"He stayed home today."

Knowing my husband, he NEVER stays home. He could be on his death bed and he will still get up and go to work.

Upon going downstairs I see my sweetie cooking breakfast.

"It's my Birthday!!!" I sing, and he begins to dance.

All the children have made me hand written sweet cards all rolled up like a scroll, tied with my special craft string and little flowers from the yard. Jumping around,excited for me to open them.

We all enjoy potato pancakes, sausage, and scrambled eggs with pepperjack cheese.

A brand new french press is waiting on the counter and it is tshirt weather. YES!

We then drive to Country Mercantile and spend the day browsing the market store, wandering through the corn maze, admiring pumpkins, climbing the hay bale pyramid and eating a fabulous lunch in the cafe.

In no hurry. Nowhere else to go. Lots of other things to do.
But not today.


bensfm said...

You are blessed to have a family that loves you so much and looks for ways to bring delight to your life!

Mama V said...

What a sweet blessing!!! What a dear man you married! So glad they treated you so special! Happpy Belated Birthday! xox