Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hours upon Hours

Meet Charlie. He is our new English Mastiff puppy. Just 3 months old and 30 pounds and quite the charmer. I won't go into details as to how the Cook family acquired him, but lets just say, "Suprise Mom!!!!!!" And Mom was surprised....

As I type, the dog is wrapped like a burrito in the backyard in a quilt, on top of the childrens pincnic table sleeping. While the kids play all sorts of imaginative games around him. Two more large sheets were just drug outside and I am axious to see what will come of it. He is a mellow boy, sometimes I almost wonder if he is alive. Then I lean towards him and listen. He's fine, he's snoring.
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1 comment:

Mama V said...

Just found your blog!!! Cute puppy.... but what a thing to be surprised y, huh? :) Love you!